NDP Group
Regulation 15 Submission
Some BIG news from the Sutton Benger NDP team.
Today we submitted the latest version of the NDP plan, Design Guide and Character Appraisal to Wiltshire Council for the next stage of the NDP process.
Thank you everyone who has supported this plan to date, the parish council, and especially the NDP team for all their hard work.
Thank you everyone who has supported this plan to date, the parish council, BlueStone Planning, and especially the NDP team for all their hard work.
Regulation 14 Consultation – Go-live
Time to get involved!
Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 14 consultation
This consultation will be live from 20th January and run until 3rd March. Don’t miss your chance to let us know what you think.
To review the documents, go to http://bigplan.suttonbengerparishcouncil.gov.uk/reg-14-consultation/ and submit your feedback online.
Printed documents can be accessed at the Church or the Pit Stop. Comments can be left in the notebook provided.
Not sure what this is all about? Check out our FAQs
Regulation 14 Consultation
Over the last few months, the team has been busy finalising the core documents that will form the submission to Wiltshire Council followed by an independent examination and referendum. Before that submission happens there is the most important phase so far – this is the Regulation 14 Consultation, and this is where we ask for your views.
We plan to kick off this pre-submission consultation at the Parish Council meeting on December 14th at 6:45 pm in the Village Hall and we invite you to come along, look at the documents and let us know your feedback. STOP PRESS: Although we will be at the Village Hall to answer all your questions, not all documents will be available. However, keep an eye out for the revised start date of the consultation online and on village notice boards.
The full documents will be available to look at and we will summarise the main points and policies for you. Physical documents will be available for you as well as online so you can review them at your own pace.
This pre-submission consultation will run for around 8 weeks rather than the statutory 6 to consider the Christmas period. Following this, the plan will be finalised, with modifications, as necessary. Then the plan is submitted to Wiltshire Council, with supporting statements.
Please join us for the kick-off meeting on Dec 14th and contact us with your Feedback.
Annual Village Meeting 2022 25 May @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Your NDP team will be at the Annual Village Meeting to answer any questions and discuss the plan to date.
Summary Slides are attached
Vision and Objectives Consultation
We’d love to hear your thoughts on our Vision and Objectives for Sutton Benger, contact us with your opinions.
Our vision for Sutton Benger & Draycot Cerne is:
To maintain the rural character and landscape of the Parish (Plan Area), whilst supporting sustainable development that is of an appropriate scale and design to benefit the local community.
Our objectives are:
Protecting the Built and Rural Environment
- To ensure that new sustainable development respects the form and pattern of development of the settlements in the Parish and is designed to be of a high quality and energy-efficient design which is compatible with the local character and the local landscape.
- To identify, protect and enhance the Parish’s designated and non-designated heritage assets and their setting.
- To maintain the Parish’s rural setting, while retaining the openness between the settlements to protect their individual identity
- Enhance natural capital and biodiversity assets within the Parish
- To reduce existing and future flood risk to Sutton Benger and surrounding communities
- To support appropriate and sustainable minor development/infill housing schemes (including those to meet local needs) within the settlements in accordance with the Character Appraisal and Design Guide, to maintain the rural character of the Parish.
- To ensure any proposed housing meets the requirements of villagers as identified in the Rural Housing Needs Survey
Transport & Accessibility
- To improve accessibility by non-vehicular modes of transport within the Parish by promoting improvements to the existing footpath linkages.
- Ensure that the Weight Limit and speed limit through the village is maintained at a suitable limit befitting the village context (community aspiration).
- To protect and improve public transport services (community aspiration).
- To ensure adequate levels of off-road parking provisions are provided and locate new development such that it does not exacerbate existing problems
Open Space
- To maintain, enhance and improve access to public open spaces for all members of the community and protect these spaces from inappropriate development.
Better Facilities for Local People
To seek opportunities wherever possible to maintain and enhance the social and economic vitality of the Parish by supporting and expanding the range of services and facilities.
Results of the Sutton Benger Rural Parish Needs Housing Survey
A big thank you to all of you who took part in the Rural Housing Needs Survey you can have a look at the results here:
Informal Drop in session – 24th November, 7:30 pm at Village Hall
Green Space Consultation
What is a Green Space?
It is a green area that is important to village life. For instance, because of its recreational value, or perhaps it is significant for wildlife, or its beauty or the tranquillity it offers.
For example, a village green, allotments, the Sutton Benger Rec, footpaths, bridleways, riverbanks, highway verges.
To meet planning criteria, a green space must be i.) close to the community ii.) of local importance, iii.) local in character and NOT an extensive tract of land.
How can you help?
We want to know about areas that you think are important so we can consider them as part of the neighbourhood plan; send us your comments and photos by 21st March 2021.
Contact us by email or on FaceBook
Review the current Green Spaces by downloading this file: Sutton Benger Green Spaces