Over the last few months, the team has been busy finalising the core documents that will form the submission to Wiltshire Council followed by an independent examination and referendum. Before that submission happens there is the most important phase so far – this is the Regulation 14 Consultation, and this is where we ask for your views.
We plan to kick off this pre-submission consultation at the Parish Council meeting on December 14th at 6:45 pm in the Village Hall and we invite you to come along, look at the documents and let us know your feedback. STOP PRESS: Although we will be at the Village Hall to answer all your questions, not all documents will be available. However, keep an eye out for the revised start date of the consultation online and on village notice boards.
The full documents will be available to look at and we will summarise the main points and policies for you. Physical documents will be available for you as well as online so you can review them at your own pace.
This pre-submission consultation will run for around 8 weeks rather than the statutory 6 to consider the Christmas period. Following this, the plan will be finalised, with modifications, as necessary. Then the plan is submitted to Wiltshire Council, with supporting statements.
Please join us for the kick-off meeting on Dec 14th and contact us with your Feedback.