We’d love to hear your thoughts on our Vision and Objectives for Sutton Benger, contact us with your opinions.
Our vision for Sutton Benger & Draycot Cerne is:
To maintain the rural character and landscape of the Parish (Plan Area), whilst supporting sustainable development that is of an appropriate scale and design to benefit the local community.
Our objectives are:
Protecting the Built and Rural Environment
- To ensure that new sustainable development respects the form and pattern of development of the settlements in the Parish and is designed to be of a high quality and energy-efficient design which is compatible with the local character and the local landscape.
- To identify, protect and enhance the Parish’s designated and non-designated heritage assets and their setting.
- To maintain the Parish’s rural setting, while retaining the openness between the settlements to protect their individual identity
- Enhance natural capital and biodiversity assets within the Parish
- To reduce existing and future flood risk to Sutton Benger and surrounding communities
- To support appropriate and sustainable minor development/infill housing schemes (including those to meet local needs) within the settlements in accordance with the Character Appraisal and Design Guide, to maintain the rural character of the Parish.
- To ensure any proposed housing meets the requirements of villagers as identified in the Rural Housing Needs Survey
Transport & Accessibility
- To improve accessibility by non-vehicular modes of transport within the Parish by promoting improvements to the existing footpath linkages.
- Ensure that the Weight Limit and speed limit through the village is maintained at a suitable limit befitting the village context (community aspiration).
- To protect and improve public transport services (community aspiration).
- To ensure adequate levels of off-road parking provisions are provided and locate new development such that it does not exacerbate existing problems
Open Space
- To maintain, enhance and improve access to public open spaces for all members of the community and protect these spaces from inappropriate development.
Better Facilities for Local People
To seek opportunities wherever possible to maintain and enhance the social and economic vitality of the Parish by supporting and expanding the range of services and facilities.