The following text appears in the latest Parish newsletter. In case you’ve missed it, you can read it here!
Dear Residents & Others
As reported in the May issue of the Parish News, a questionnaire is currently being prepared that will be distributed to all Parishioners before the end of July 2016. We apologise for the delay of one month in having the questionnaire circulated. The Core Team, working with the Parish Council, must however ensure that the document is effective in collecting the information required to prepare a robust NDP.
Please complete the questionnaire and then deposit it into the NDP Post Box that will be in the Sutton Benger Post Office. The deadline for completion is the 31st August 2016.
The data collected will form the backbone of the NDP that must reflect the will of the whole Parish. I cannot stress enough how important it is for all residents to complete the questionnaire.
Other than working on the questionnaire, the Core Team is currently working to provide highly detailed plans and drawings of the Parish and hope to have these completed before the end of July. We are delighted to have enlisted the help of a Parishioner who is able to complete the work required on a voluntary basis. With the help of Wiltshire Council, we are attempting to establish the owners of undeveloped land and particularly that which was identified within the Wiltshire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), 2012. We hope to meet with the Land Owners and/or their Agents before the end of September 2016. The SHLAA can be seen at the following Internet address:
Additionally, we are currently investigating Parish Heritage and hope to have that element of the NDP completed by the 30th September 16.
As previously reported, The NDP will be to the ultimate benefit of the whole of the Parish and your input is essential. Preparation of the NDP is a significant undertaking and the Core Team has been advised that it can take approximately two years to complete. We commenced working on the Sutton Benger NDP in September 2015 and are pleased to report that we are making excellent progress.
Should you want to be kept informed via e-mail then please register at: (or via the Parish Clerk).
(The NDP is registered as a ‘data controller’ under the Data Protection Act 1998. We take our data protection responsibilities seriously and we will make sure that your email addresses are only used to send you the questionnaire and for keeping you informed about the progress of the NDP)
Baz Worth
NDP Core Team
17 June 2016