I am pleased to confirm that the first Steering Group Meeting of the SB Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) will be held at the Village Hall on Sept 30th. Details above.
Who should attend?: All of those who have expressed an initial interest in helping with the NDP process. We also welcome participation and attendance from anyone who lives in (or runs a business from) the Parish.
Meeting Objective: This meeting is intended to provide a forum for us to facilitate a ‘SWOT’ analysis of SB. A SWOT analysis will help us understand what all of you see as the parish of Sutton Benger’s STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES & THREATS. This might include (but, is not exclusive to) issues relating to: planning / development / transport / sustainability / resilience / sustainability…
Expected Outcomes: Following this meeting – the NDP’s core team will use the info gleaned at our meeting to document the ‘scope’ of the NDP plan itself.
Why do we need this process?: As part of the NDP process, we need to show Wiltshire Council that our NDP genuinely reflects the needs, wants, wishes and values of our community.
Why we need YOU there: Writing an NDP takes 2-3 years. And, it takes collaboration and consultation. It is a very important document which needs buy-in from ALL parts of the Parish. Therefore, this meeting is a key stepping stone in the process. We will use this this SWOT Analysis to help us to create an early outline for the Plan itself. It will also help us to understand what our community values and what it sees as important to its future.
Please let us know if you can make it. Don’t forget: We need – and value – your participation.