At our Public Meeting (held on November 23rd 2015), the NDP Core Team circulated the Draft NPD Vision and Objectives.
These were the views of the Core Group based on the comments made at the public meeting held on September 30th, particularly from the SWOT analysis. The Vision and Objectives are a key legal component of the NDP process. As such what has been drafted and put to this meeting needs to be reviewed, with modifications suggested, by as many people in the Parish. The deadline for comment is 31 January 2016.
Our Vision (Draft)
- We wish to maintain the vitality of a vibrant village community and make it a better place to live and work for all age groups and for future generations.
- We want community-led development that will maintain the character of Sutton Benger Parish, support the local economy, and provide high quality accommodation with a housing mix to meet the requirements for the ages and needs for all of our community.
- We want the opportunity to plan for future development. We want a greater say about where, how, what and when development occurs in our community.
- We want to protect the village Conservation Area and Listed Buildings and to protect and enhance the heritage, farmland and wildlife of the area.
Objectives (Draft)
- Develop plans for sensitive housing development in the Sutton Benger Parish area, all within the constraints of recent developments in Sutton Benger and the Wiltshire Core Strategy for a large village. This to include the site, location(s) and types of new homes to ensure that all developments meet local needs for the elderly, young single people, couples and families who wish to remain in the Parish.
- Preserve the historic character of Sutton Benger village and Draycot Cerne, its conservation area, listed and historic buildings and maintain and improve assets of community value.
- Maintain and improve infrastructure services for existing and new residents.
- Maintain and enhance all of the village leisure and sporting facilities, current green areas, and rights of way.
- Improve road traffic safety and transport services.
- Develop plans with the relevant authorities to prevent or minimise the flood risk, and where possible, minimise the environmental impact of climate change on water resources.
- Maintain and enhance the economic structure to ensure that Sutton Benger Parish is able to support local businesses of different types.
- Assess the need for retail provisions and propose suitable locations.
We welcome and actively encourage feedback from all parts of the Parish on this draft Vision and Objectives. Don’t forget – the deadline for comment is 31st January 2016.