Get involved: Consultative Meeting – 23 November 2015

Parish of Sutton Benger Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)

Consultative Meeting – 23 November 2015 – 8PM (SB Village Hall)

Dear Parishioners

We are now in a position to report on the findings gathered during the Public Open Meeting that was held on the 30th September 2015.

We are therefore hosting a further meeting in the Sutton Benger Village Hall at 8pm on Monday 23rd November. The meeting will last for no longer than ninety minutes and will include Agenda Items such as:

  • Detailed report on information gathered at the meeting on the 30th September
  • Brief discussion regarding the initial Scope of the NDP
  • Call for volunteers to form working groups to address the areas within the initial Scope

We have had an amazingly positive response so far and hope that this continues until the NDP is finalised.

We look forward to meeting with all who are able to attend on the 23rd November.

Baz Worth


Core Group

9th November 2015

